3 Types Of Resistance Training That Will Explode Your Results


Body Squat With TRX On Isawall

When many people think of resistance training, they think of weight machines and perhaps some work with dumbbells or barbells. While these types of resistance training are great and can produce fantastic improvements in your physique, there are a few additional methods of resistance training that can help explode your results and take your workouts to the next level.


Number 1: Resistance Bands

Resistance bands offer a different effect on the muscles than most machines and free-weights. For most machines and free-weight resistance training, the most challenging part of the movement is at the beginning of the lift. As the person lifting gets closer and closer to the end of the range of the motion, more often than not the movement gets a little easier. When working with resistance bands, the opposite effect is in play. Resistance bands function like giant rubber bands. The further you pull, push, or move the bands, the harder it gets. Incorporating resistance bands into your workouts can force your muscles to work in a way that they are unaccustomed to, thereby bringing about additional visible results.


Number 2: Bodyweight Exercises

One of the facets of bodyweight training that people immediately notice is how much more demanding it typically is than working out on machines or even many free weight exercises. The reason is simple. During bodyweight exercises, you are moving your whole body against gravity as opposed to a weight stack, dumbbell, or barbell. This takes a great deal of energy, but it also requires in most cases the use of additional muscles for the purpose of stabilization. Stabilization is simply not required in most resistance machines because the movement and range of motion are controlled for you. Many free weight exercises are done lying or sitting on a bench, also eliminating the high demand for stabilization seen with bodyweight exercises. Some free weight exercises do require using a high degree of muscles for stabilization, but many do not.


Number 3: Integrated Exercises

Integrated exercises typically involve two movements that are usually done by themselves. Examples of this are band rows and squats. When combined, these types of resistance exercises pull in multiple muscle groups throughout the entire exercise, as opposed to one or two major muscles, which is common with most other forms of resistance training. The results are a demanding exercise that burns more calories and challenges many muscles simultaneously. Integrated exercises are one of the best types of resistance training because they entail working the body as a functional unit, rather than solely in isolation.


The three aforementioned types of resistance training can help propel your workouts to a new level while also making your workout experience more interesting. The change in resistance types will force your muscles to adapt to a new and unfamiliar stimulus. Isawall can accommodate all three types of resistance training, and takes up no space in your room or office. Consider contacting us today for more information on how Isawall can take your workouts from average to amazing.



Paul Owens Cleveland Personal Trainer

Paul Owens is a personal trainer in the Cleveland area. He is a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and the National Council on Strength and Fitness. He is also a Corrective Exercise Specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He can be reached at http://www.clevelandpersonaltraining.com.