Guest Blog: Mesothelioma and Exercise

My name is Virgil Anderson and I was recently diagnosed with mesothelioma, which is a cancer caused by exposure to asbestos.

Lately, I’ve been hearing about the benefits of exercise for cancer patients. Not only is cardio important, but specifically working on muscle strength is an essential part of exercise. It is not uncommon for mesothelioma and other cancer patients to experience both weight and muscle loss during treatments. Performing regular strength training exercises strengthens muscles, but also strengthens bones, helps maintain a healthy weight with an increased appetite, prevents age-related muscle loss, improves quality of life, relieves fatigue, prevents heart disease, and even helps with stress and depression.

In my fight against cancer, I have been helped greatly by the Patient Advocates at They have helped me tremendously through this tough time and I don’t know where I would be without them.  I feel it is my duty to give back to the community–to inform people with asbestos diseases of all the different options for treatment and wellness.

The Top 5 Benefits of Exercise for Mesothelioma Patients
When faced with illness and disease, patients might not consider physical fitness to be at the top of their list. However, mesothelioma and related cancer treatments often cause a substantial breakdown of muscle tissue, which can lead to a lower quality of life. Contrary to what one might think, it’s important to keep active and fit during and after receiving treatment for cancer. Following are the top five benefits of exercise for cancer patients to achieve optimal health.

Benefit 1: Increased Muscle Strength
Cancer treatments such as surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy can wreak havoc on a patient’s muscular system. The use of these therapeutic approaches, coupled with periods of inactivity, can have short-term and long-term effects including a decrease in muscle strength. Mild to moderate strength training for the upper body and lower body can help to restore lean muscle mass and strength.

Benefit 2: Improved Mobility, Flexibility, and Balance
Along with muscle strength, a cancer patient’s ability to move can be compromised. Feeling ill as a result of cancer and treatments can lead to a more sedentary lifestyle. Body parts that don’t keep moving will get stiff and hard to move. A stretching regime such as yoga can help improve muscular mobility, balancing, and flexibility. This increases independence and lessens the likelihood that a patient needs assistance with daily care.

Benefit 3: Reduced Fatigue
When a patient suffers a breakdown in muscle and fails to keep those muscles moving, it can be difficult to perform even the most basic of day-to-day functions. On top of the cancer symptoms and side effects of treatment, fatigue can set in. While rest and relaxation play a role in the healing process, taking part in aerobics can give patients a boost of energy and increase their endurance. A feeling of being tired all the time doesn’t have to rule one’s day.

Benefit 4: Enhanced Quality of Life
Living with cancer is difficult in of itself. Regular physical activity can make a cancer patient stronger over time. Simply getting outdoors in nature and taking a walk can help. Physical activities can decrease nausea, increase circulation, and make one feel better overall so they can enjoy life with loved ones. While cancer can be debilitating, keeping fit can do wonders for enhancing the quality of life for those undergoing treatment.

Benefit 5: Extended Lifetime
When inflicted with mesothelioma, survival rates for patients can range from only a few months to several years. Depression, stress, and unhealthy habits can result in a shorter life whether or not one has cancer. Physical fitness is known for boosting the immune system. Leading a lifestyle that lends itself to being active and fit can go a long way in helping cancer patients enjoy a happier, longer, and more fulfilling life.

As an aggressive type of cancer, mesothelioma has the potential to zap ones overall health and well being. These may be improve through participation in regular forms of exercise several times a week. From strength training and yoga to walking and aerobics, any type of activity can lead to greater strength, mobility, energy, lifespan, and overall quality of life.