6 Reasons Isawall Is The Perfect Piece Of Workout Equipment For Your Personal Training Studio






If you own a personal training studio or small workout facility, you have no doubt spent considerable time and effort to choose the best equipment possible to maximize the results for your clients. There are unique challenges that personal training studios face as opposed to large recreation centers, gyms, and fitness centers. Isawall has numerous unique qualities that make it ideal for use in the personal training studio setting. Let’s take a look at five of those great reasons.


Body Squat With TRX On Isawall


Number 1: Isawall Takes Up No Space

The single greatest factor that many owners or would-be owners of personal training studios must consider is that of the size of the facility that they wish to operate out of. This is a huge consideration as the size of the facility is directly correlated with the cost of the lease or monthly payments. This factor alone plays a huge role in which equipment is purchased for the workout facility.


Isawall attaches to any preexisting wall. This means that Isawall literally takes up no space. When you are finished with the bands and other various attachments, they can easily be stored in a closet or container no bigger than a small trunk. If you wish, the attachments can remain attached to the wall for later use. In either case, you do not lose square footage as a result of having Isawall in your facility.


*isawall Angela Gym 416-edit


Number 2: Cost Effectiveness

One of the most challenging things for many personal training studio owners to do is to get the best equipment possible while not breaking the bank. If you have been in the industry any amount of time, you know the exorbitant cost of commercial grade workout equipment. In addition to this, most commercial grade workout equipment only facilitates one exercise, or perhaps a few at most.


The cost of Isawall compared to the number of exercises that can be done is simply unparalleled in the industry. There are hundreds and hundreds of exercises that can be done using Isawall. When you buy the standard piece of commercial grade workout equipment, you are simply not getting much bang for your buck. Isawall will help you get the highest number of exercise options while being kind of your wallet.


Number 3: Something For All Clients

As a personal trainer, you know the importance of being able to accommodate people with different goals, abilities, ages, and workout histories. Isawall can accommodate clients with the most varied of backgrounds. Whether your client is a young athlete, a middle aged individual looking to get in shape, or a senior looking to improve balance and activities for daily living, Isawall can accommodate. Isawall is even designed to work with people of all height ranges.


People Doing Assisted Pushups On Isawall


Number 4: It’s New And Different

As someone who has worked in the fitness industry no doubt knows, clients like things that are new and different. Isawall is different than anything on the market. When clients see it in action, they get excited. The variety of exercises means they can continue to come back each session with new and challenging exercises waiting for them. When they go home and talk to their family and friends, they will be excited to talk about awesome exercises there trainer has them doing on Isawall. This could translate into future clients for you.


Number 5: It’s Low Maintenance (In Fact It’s No Maintained!!!)

As someone familiar with workout equipment, you know the time, money, and hassle associated with maintaining workout equipment. Machines regularly require that metal parts be changed out when worn down, moving parts be routinely oiled to ensure smooth movement, and worn out seats and covers be repaired or reordered and replaced. All this takes time away from your passion and your source of income, which is working with people to get them in shape.


Isawall has minimal moving parts. The less moving parts means the less likelihood of something going wrong. That saves you time, money, and energy. Isawall is made of very high quality materials that are designed to last many years, even if it is used daily.


Number 6: It Looks Great And You Can Customize It

Most workout equipment looks like…well workout equipment. Isawall is different. It’s actually attractive to look at. You can custom design which type of wood fits your studio and clientele best. Isawall can even be custom designed for size based on your unique needs. Whether you are adding Isawall to an already present design layout, or are starting to design your workout facility from scratch, you can customize your Isawall so that it looks great as soon as someone walks in.


What Are You Waiting For?

Isawall is unique in what it can offer you and your clients. It takes up no space, is cost effective, can meet the needs of all your clients, is new and different, low maintenance, and it’s customizable. Get yours today and be the first one in your area to offer clients this awesome workout experience!


Paul Owens Cleveland Personal Trainer

Paul Owens is a personal trainer in the Cleveland area. He is a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and the National Council on Strength and fitness. He is also a Corrective Exercise Specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He can be reached at http://www.clevelandpersonaltraining.com