Creating A Home Workout Studio With Isawall



Home workout studios can be incredibly convenient. Rather than spending additional time getting to and from a gym, you can workout in the comfort of your own home. If you live in a congested area where construction, traffic, and bad weather can affect driving, having a home workout studio can be even more beneficial.



Isawall is the perfect home fitness studio solution. It takes up no space and can accommodate resistance training, flexibility and range of motion, balance, functional exercises, sport specific training, and rehabilitative work. You will not find another piece of workout equipment on the market that can come anywhere near what Isawall can do. Period.



Basics Of Your Isawall In-Home Workout Studio

Before you get Isawall setup in your home, it’s good to take some time to plan out just how you want your workout studio to be. Generally, you will want to be able to step back away from Isawall at least eight feet when working out. Your workout area should be clear of clutter and items not related to your sessions on the wall. This not only keeps you safe during your workouts, but helps you stay in a workout mindset when using Isawall.



If you can do so, adding some glassless mirrors to your workout studio is ideal. Workout mirrors are not just there so you can admire your progress. Workout mirrors help you monitor your technique to ensure that you are using proper form. Of course it doesn’t hurt to be able to check out your slimmer, more muscular physique either. Glassless mirrors tend to be safer than conventional mirrors. Since these mirrors will typically be larger, try to go with the safer option. If you can setup mirrors in front and to one side of your Isawall it is ideal. That way you can monitor your form from the front and side views.



Choosing Attachments And Other Equipment For Your Isawall

There are many options that you can consider to use on your Isawall. The more attachments and equipment you purchase, the greater workout variety you will have, and consequently the greater the results. Let’s take a look at the various items you can choose to go along with your Isawall.





The TRX is a suspension based resistance training tool that provides a truly unique and challenging workout. The nature of TRX exercises is that you move your own body mass against gravity, as opposed to moving weights. The results are interesting workouts and awesome results.




The BOSU Ball is basically a half ball that is attached to a flat side. Both sides can be used for different exercises. Exercises done on a BOSU Ball are often much more challenging than their conventional counterparts. Balance can be challenged and improved using a BOSU Ball.



Pullup Revolution PRO

The Pullup Revolution PRO is an ingenious device that helps give assistance to users during exercises such as pushups and pullups. This piece of equipment can be adjusted to varying degrees to increase or decrease assistance. Additionally, unlike other fitness walls or wall mounted devices, Isawall allows for additional adjustments to be made with the Pullup Revolution PRO based on height and personal ability.


Chest Press With Resistance Bands


Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are really at the core of Isawall. Resistance bands allow you to challenge your muscles in a way that is different than standard free weights or machines. With such conventional resistance, the resistance stays the same throughout the entire range of motion. With resistance bands, the further you take the band, the more your muscles are challenged to overcome the pull. This causes the muscles to perform in a way not normally encountered and thus bring about noticeable results.



Pullup Wall Bar, AKA Balance Bar

The Pullup Wall Bar or Balance Bar can be used for pushups, pullups, and various balance related activities. The Pullup Wall Bar is one of the most basic and fundamental pieces of equipment used with Isawall. Whether you are looking to do bodyweight exercises or simply work on balance, the Pullup Bar is an essential. Various stretches can also be facilitated on the Pullup Wall Bar



The Pelvic Swing And Wall Mounts

Stretching and Inversion are taken to an all new level with the Pelvic Swing and Wall Mounts. The swing and belts can be adjusted for height, and the insertion points can be attached to any of the numerous points on Isawall to customize the position best based on your height.



Foot Straps

Foot Straps can be utilized on Isawall for working various muscles in the legs. The straps simply attach around your ankles and are then connected to Isawall via the resistance bands. The straps help target specific areas of the legs, such as the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, and adductors.



Step 360

The Step 360 allows you to do exercises on an uneven surface, thus creating a new challenge for your body in terms of stabilization and balance. Using the Step 360 alongside the Balance Bar is great for improving balance, coordination, and functional fitness.


It’s Worth The Investment!

As you can see from the awesome equipment above, Isawall can provide for hundreds and hundreds of exercises to keep you advancing in your workouts. The numerous attachments and pieces of equipment will keep your workouts interesting and challenging. Take a look at our page of accessories for Isawall and watch our video to get a better idea of some of the many exercises and variations that can be done on Isawall.  Your health and well being are worth the investment!


Final Thoughts On Your Home Workout Studio With Isawall

Your home workout studio with Isawall can provide you with hundreds of great exercises without taking up tons of space. You can even customize the wood that you choose to your own personal style. So what are you waiting for? Get started with your home workout studio today by talking with one of our team members. We can answer any questions you may have and help you customize your own Isawall. Contact us today!




Paul Owens Cleveland Personal Trainer

Paul Owens is a personal trainer in the Cleveland area. He is a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and the National Council on Strength and fitness. He is also a Corrective Exercise Specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He can be reached at