Isawall And Physical Therapy; The Perfect Match

Isawall is the ideal platform for athletes, those looking to lose weight, and everyday people looking to get in shape. It is also the perfect platform to engage in dozens of rehabilitation exercises and movements. If you have a physical therapy facility, or have patients or client engage in physical therapy exercises in your facility, then Isawall is ideal.


Isawall Is Great For Many Common Rehabilitative Exercises

When rehabilitating from an injury or surgery, you know that taking slow but consistent steps toward total rehabilitation is key. From its creation, Isawall was designed to cater those doing the most basic of exercises, stretches, and range of motion work, to even the most talented athletes.



Isawall Is Great For Shoulder Rehab

All exercises for shoulder rehabilitation using resistance bands or TheraBands can be done on Isawall. Additionally, Isawall can be quickly adjusted for height, as well as for those who utilize wheelchairs. When you have multiple clients engaging in exercises, sometimes simultaneously, this means the setup for each individual can be changed in one or two seconds with ease. Your clients going through shoulder rehabilitation will be able to adjust the level of resistance, as well the height, with no problem.



Isawall can accommodate internal/external shoulder rotation, abduction and adduction, and extension and flexion utilizing our bands, or TheraBands. Your patients and clients will love the smooth transition between exercises. As your clients move further and further along, they can progress to tougher bands, and even potentially engage in bodyweight exercises supported on Isawall when they are ready.



Isawall Is Perfect For Those Utilizing Wheelchairs

Whether your patient/client is rehabbing an injury or utilizes a wheelchair in daily life, Isawall is simply the best platform for them to utilize. Unlike conventional commercial fitness equipment, your client won’t ever have to try to maneuver him or herself out of the wheelchair and onto a machine. With Isawall, pulling the wheelchair up close to the wall is all you have to do. From there, dozens of workout options are available.



All of the aforementioned shoulder rehabilitative exercises are available from the seated position using Isawall. Additionally, exercises such as triceps extensions, biceps curls, chest presses, seated rows, and many more can be used to challenge numerous muscle groups throughout the body. Your client or patient will love all the possibilities that can be done with Isawall.



Isawall Excels At Helping Those With Knee Injuries And Knee Replacement

Coming off of a knee injury or surgery can be no small task.   For those who have had knee replacement, getting back to everyday actions, let alone sports, can be challenging. It is not uncommon for those with knee replacement to state that things just “feel a little off”, indicating altered proprioception and the ability to move and function in an effective and balanced way.



Isawall can help those coming off of knee surgeries in two primary ways. First, for those who need to work their balance, Isawall provides a great balance bar that can be adjusted quickly and easily based on the individual’s height. Stationary balancing or balancing out of movement can be done with greater confidence knowing that you have a balance bar right next to you at the perfect height to grab onto if necessary. Secondly, Isawall is a great way to bring back strength in the various muscle groups through the leg. Ankle straps can be used to focus on individual muscle groups, while suspension training that closing mimics activities such as getting up and down can be done when the client/patient is ready to advance. Machines are great, but bodyweight movement is something we have to do daily, and Isawall provides the means by which those movements can be most closely simulated in a gradual, safe, and effective manner.



Isawall Is Superior For Keeping Or Improving Flexibility And Range Of Motion

As a professional you know that range of motion and flexibility can suffer when coming off of an injury or surgery. You also know the importance of these two facets of human movement. Isawall provides for dozens of stretches, allowing patients and clients a means to work this important aspect of recovery and rehabilitation. As with other Isawall exercises, the positioning and settings can all be customized for the needs of the individual so that he or she maximizes their outcome.



Perfect For Your Physical Therapy And Rehabilitation Facility

Isawall offers all of the above mentioned means of helping your clients and patients while taking up no precious space in your facility. We can even customize the color and appearance of your Isawall(s) to best complement your existing environment. Make sure to contact one our Wallnuts (Associates) if you have any questions. We’d be happy to assist you. You can reach us at 440-591-7854 or just go to



Paul Owens Cleveland Personal Trainer

Paul Owens is a personal trainer in the Cleveland area. He is a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and the National Council on Strength and fitness. He is also a Corrective Exercise Specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He can be reached at