Isawall Athletes Part 4: Specific Exercises For Specific Results: Baseball

Having gone over a few different sports that athletes can improve performance on using Isawall, we’ll take a look now at one in particular where strength/speed can be improved in several ways.



Baseball players stand to benefit greatly from Isawall in multiple ways. The vertical jump can be improved so players can jump higher to catch overhead balls. Lateral movement, which is so important in baseball can also be quickened. Finally, the speed and power with which a player throws the ball can be improved as well.



Improving Vertical Jump

The vertical jump in Baseball can mean the difference between getting an out or not. Just a few extra inches of vertical jump can determine the outcome of a game. At Isawall we have designed a system that will increase the speed and power of your jump, giving you those all-important few extra inches every time you jump up to catch a ball.



The primary means by which you can increase your vertical jump as a player is using the Plyometric Platform. The platform we offer provides band resistance from the very lowest point of a jump, all the way to the top of movement when you actually leave the platform. When training on the Plyometric Platform, your body will work hard to overcome additional resistance. The result will be a higher, more powerful jump.



In addition to working the vertical jump, you can add overhead arm resistance. By attaching a resistance band to the base of the Plyometric Platform, you can increase the speed with which your arm extends overhead to catch higher flying balls. You can do this movement in isolation by itself, or you can combine it with the plyometric jump. These two movements combined make for a powerful means of increasing the number of overhead balls you will be able to catch.



Improving Lateral Speed

Critical to any baseball player is the ability to move laterally quickly. Whether attempting to steal a base, or move sideways quickly to catch a ball, improving your lateral movement speed will take your game to the next level.



Improving lateral movement speed can be done with the use of bands attached to Isawall. Once a belt is attached around your waist, you can side shuffle away from the wall in the same manner seen throughout baseball. The added resistance will force you to work the abductor muscles to move with greater speed and force. More stolen bases and less missed balls will result in the increased force output you experience from this great exercise.



Improving Throwing Speed

Every baseball player wants to be able to throw the ball as quickly as possible. A pitcher can increase the number of strikes he can get with increased speed, and having a faster throwing arm will result in a greater number of out’s. In a game where milliseconds can make a big difference, having a fast throw can be a huge advantage.



Your throwing speed can be better maximized by utilizing bands with Isawall. Because of Isawall’s unique design, you can insert the band at a level that suits you best. This is important when considering personal throwing technique, as well as variations in height.



To utilize Isawall for improved throwing speed, you simply need to attach a band into the wall. You may wish to vary the height of the band periodically in order to increase the power output of your throw at various angles and points. Once a setting is chosen, simply engage in your throw as closely as possible as if you were throwing in a game. Overhead throws, as well as throws from the side can be worked to improve speed. In addition to the height settings, various levels of resistance bands can be chosen to provide a range of difficulty.



Maintaining The Rotator Cuff

One important element of Baseball training that is often overlooked is strengthening and maintaining the rotator cuff. The shoulder incurs a great deal of use throughout baseball, and regular work to maintain the muscles and subsequent tendons and ligaments of the rotator cuff should be a priority for any baseball player.



Isawall can support internal and external shoulder rotation exercises, which directly work the muscles of the rotator cuff. As anyone who is familiar with the shoulder knows, there are over a dozen muscles that tie into the shoulder either directly or indirectly, and help to facilitate movement throughout. By engaging in exercises that work muscles such as the pectoral, triceps, biceps, lat’s, and others, you will be adding support to this very important area.



Better Baseball Through Isawall

You can see the various ways that Isawall can improve your performance in Baseball. In any sport good technique and skill is imperative, but those who engage in performance training gain a valuable edge over the competition. Consider adding Isawall to your performance training to give yourself that all important edge.




Paul Owens Cleveland Personal Trainer

Paul Owens is a personal trainer in the Cleveland area. He is a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and the National Council on Strength and fitness. He is also a Corrective Exercise Specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He can be reached at