Why Isawall Is The Superior Senior Workout System-Part 2

Although most of us do not think about it, the constant act of balancing our own body mass against the force of gravity is quite remarkable. As we stand, lift, walk, run, step up, or turn, the brain and the body are constantly sending signals back and forth in order to maintain proper balance. As we get older, the often taken for granted act of balancing can become more and more challenging. The worst case scenario for seniors is a fall that results in a life changing injury.



Falls can result in injuries that have permanent negative physical consequences for seniors. The psychological aspects of having a bad fall can have long lasting fears instilled that can limit activity and physical movement, social interaction, and even a person’s ability to live independently. It is not uncommon for seniors to take a bad fall at some point and consequently incur a serious injury. Even worse than that however is when the injury has healed, but the fear of falling remains. The person may limit their life considerably, even to the point of not leaving the home out of fear of falling again.



At Isawall, we have created a workout platform where seniors can engage in dozens of balance exercises. Many of these exercises are done in a way that exactly or closely mimic daily activities such as lifting while turning, gripping objects and moving them, and moving one’s body mass in multiple planes of motion simultaneously. Because these exercises are done with repetition and with additional resistance, the muscles become stronger and more adept at handling such tasks.



In addition to the physical aspect of doing balance work, seniors will engage the nervous system to effectively communicate those action directives to the various points of the body, so that everything is pulled together synergistically. With Isawall, exercises can be structured to become progressively more difficult, and the person doing them is then forced to concentrate even more in order not only to balance, but to have multiple movements going on while doing so.



At Isawall we have structured our balance exercises so that there are numerous tools and attachments that can be used to further advance seniors balance training. For beginners, simple exercises that simulate daily activities can be used to build strength, balance, confidence, and coordination. As the senior masters the more basic techniques, they can move on to doing many of those same techniques, but on a less stable surface such as a foam pad, BOSU ball, or other unstable surface.



The ultimate form of training for seniors using Isawall is to incorporate many of the functional fitness exercises, but with balance training using any of the previously mentioned tools and equipment. The result is senior training that closely simulates daily activities, but without a stable surface, so as to make them even more challenging. Seniors who regularly engage in this type of training will note a decreased likelihood of falling as well as greater confidence in everyday life and activities.


Everyone stumbles, trips, or misses their step from time to time. The question is can you regain your balance before you actually take a fall. Balance training for seniors is imperative because it can help prevent life changing injuries. Isawall is the superior platform for senior training because it forces its users to move their own body mass, along with resistance, in a way that simulates everyday activities in a way that traditional workout equipment cannot.



Paul Owens Cleveland Personal Trainer

Paul Owens is a personal trainer in the Cleveland area.  He is a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and the National Council on Strength and fitness.  He is also a Corrective Exercise Specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine.  He can be reached at http://www.clevelandpersonaltraining.com